044 49517516
Do you currently cater to any FMCG clients? If yes please list them.
Yes, to Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd. , L.S.G. & Co. and Siddant Transport. (But not for cold storage or dairy products).
Do you currently cater to any Animal feed clients?
Do you have experience in transport of Agriculture?
Yes, since 1995
No of years of experience in shipment of FG ?
Since 2015
Are you providing tankers to any clients for transport?
Yes, to Priyanka Bubbles a mineral water plant in Madurai.
Do you have net tracking facility (GPS)?
Yes, you can also track line for their vehicle usage
Is there a system for reporting the following?
(a) Accidents
Yes, we provide dedicated DMS services
(b) Damage to consignment
Once the trucks are loaded and exits, we are responsible as per client requirements
Do you have national permit to operate anywhere in India?
If no which states do u operate in?
No, only within Tamil Nadu
No. of Rail movements managed in a year (FULL RAKE) and (PARTIAL RAKE).
None, but can be done as per client requirements
Tie-up with railways?
Warehouse Facility for RM / PM & FG
Warehouse Management & support facilities
Yes, can be altered as per requirement
Forklifts availability at Warehouse
No, but can hire with Rack system
Manpower at warehouse
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